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Home >  Blog >  Changing the Way I see and feel about food

Changing the Way I see and feel about food

Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 25 January 2014
Changing the Way I see and feel about food
For me Food has always been an enemy… jumping from yoyo diet to next fad diet. Yes I lost the weight many times, but never seemed to keep it off when i went back to eating “normally” again. I admit i have a very sweet tooth and love ice-cream, chocolates and sugar. So continuing to eat healthy has been my biggest struggle. Plus I always hated exercise; so that along with healthy eating, being fit and maintaining a good weight was a big struggle.

I have learnt that it is all about my mindset.  I have changed my mindset and found a new way of being.  I am clean eating now and have totally increased my fitness level by exercising five days a week. It is awesome to be feeling healthy and fit!

I have changed my mindset around how I see food, and what I am eating and how much. BFE has been the key.  It has not been a quick fix, and I have not arrived at the final destination (do we ever?), but I am well on my journey to a fitter, healthier me and loving it. As I have found - the healthier and happier I feel the better results I create across the board in all areas of my life.

The journey has been well worth it. While I am not perfect, (and no one is,). I can say I am never going back.  That old me, she no longer exists and good riddance to her!

Lee Anne BartlettAuthor:Lee Anne BartlettConnect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Personal Development

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